Let’s face it — the world is changing rapidly. The systems we normally depend on are collapsing. Many hospitals have already closed, emergency services are unreliable, and the healthcare industry is the third largest cause of death (after cancer and cardiopulmonary disease). That is why we need strong Medicine Women and Men in every household.
John Hopkins analyzed the medical death rate data over eight years and calculated that more than 250,000 deaths per year are due to medical errors in the U.S. Their findings were published on May 3, 2016, in the British Medical Journal. That puts “medical errors” in third place as cause of death surpassed only by cancer and heart disease.
Note that Johns Hopkins is auditing itself in the medical industry. Our guess is that the actual medical errors are probably much higher.
Everyone has a horror story from dealing with the medical system.
Why do we put up with this?
For our entire lives, we’ve been told stories that lead us to believe we can’t heal ourselves, home remedies are ineffective, and plant medicines don’t work.
How many movies have you seen where natural remedies are ridiculed?
How many news stories make heroes out of doctors?
How many sitcom scenes make fun of herbal medicines?
This programming is intentional. They want to control you. They want you on lifetime prescriptions which generate eternal recurring revenue.
Here are just three specific examples:
The TV show “Scrubs” portrays a fictional hospital, and its doctors often feature comedic depictions of alternative therapies and holistic medicine as ineffective or ridiculous (and the people who use them as ignorant). This type of ‘humor’ perpetuates negative stereotypes and intentionally undermines public trust in natural medicine.
The movie “The Doctor” (1991) features a character who uses alternative therapies, including meditation and herbalism, to treat his patients. However, the movie portrays these therapies as ineffective and the doctor eventual abandons them.
In the Sitcom “Seinfeld,” George thinks he has heart problems and turns purple after trying herbal medicine.
Almost the majority of programming you see on TV is a coordinated propaganda effort to control your choices and behavior; lies to make you fear natural therapies.By the end of 2024, big Pharma’s spending on digital advertising is projected to be over $19 billion
How much money are they making if they can afford to spend $19 Billion on digital advertising alone?
How did this bizarre, dysfunctional, and dangerous system come to be?
Did you know that Rockefeller destroyed the people’s medicine?
In the early 20th century, John D. Rockefeller, a prominent industrialist and financier, orchestrated a calculated move to eliminate natural medicine and establish the pharmaceutical industry as we know it today.
Rockefeller employed the “problem-reaction-solution” tactic creating a perceived crisis targeting natural practitioners. He created a campaign to spread fear and misinformation about the dangers of unregulated natural medicines. He worked to convince people that only “scientifically proven” pharmaceutical treatments were safe and effective. Through a combination of strategic manipulation, legislation, and financial backing, Rockefeller and his affiliates effectively wiped-out natural cures, and pushed for licensing laws for medical professionals.
Simultaneously, Rockefeller and his partners patented pharmaceutical drugs, positioning themselves to capitalize on the growing demand for “modern medicine.” By controlling the supply of patented medications, they ensured a lucrative market for them which would ultimately outlaw natural medicine and favor patented pharmaceutical products.
Today, Big Pharma’s grip on the healthcare system remains strong. The global healthcare industry is over 4 trillion dollars strong — annually.
It is time to take back traditional medicinal knowledge and make it our own.
Traditional folk medicine is eons old. Rockerfeller corrupted the use of these effective systems only 100 years ago — they served humanity well for millennia prior to that. Knowing which plants can help treat burns, soothe coughs, and alleviate headaches means you won’t have to rush to the hospital for every little health issue. Once you start, you’ll be amazed at the abundance of medicinal plants growing all around you. It’s easy to learn to recognize the value of the herbs in your own backyard, as well as to harvest and prepare herbal remedies.
Time is running out in this hectic world we live in, but we assure you that starting now will be much easier than trying to catch up later. As the upcoming societal collapse unfolds, accessing medicines, vitamins, supplements, and other supplies will become increasingly difficult.
How do we know these techniques work?
Many of the herbs and techniques presented in this video series and the book have been used for thousands of years. Throughout the ages, these plant medicines have been handed down from generation to generation because of their effectiveness to heal.
Contrast herbal medicine with the current pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceuticals have only been around for a few decades and are already failing. The overuse of antibiotics is leading to antibiotic resistance in populations of microbes is just one example of their many failures.
It is not too late to learn about these helpful and life-saving techniques. Set yourself free from the chains of Big Pharma and start embracing natural remedies to improve your life.
If you want to learn more about life-saving tips and home medicine skills, you can purchase your own copy of our Home Medicine Skills Package here on BrightU. You will get:
12 presentations of skills so you can become a medicine woman or a medicine man, including:
Home Medicine for Beginners with Marjory Wildcraft
Antibiotics Apocalypse with Mike Adams
Home Death Care: How to Take Care of Your Dead with Dani Lavoire
12 Steps to Sleep Like a Baby with Kate Hope
50 Shades of Blue Herbs for Anxiety and Depression with Debra Swanson
Wilderness First Aid For Broken Bones, Hatchet Wounds, and Severe Falls with Sam Coffman
Spice Rack Remedies – Your Kitchen Spices Are Medicines! with Kami McBride
15 Herbs To Increase Your Energy, Stamina, and Longevity with Rosemary Gladstar
When There is No Doctor: Preventing The 7 Ways You Can Die From Shock with Jed Adamson
Home Veterinary Care with Dr. Patrick Jones
Holistic Dental Care with Dr. Michelle Jorgensen
Treating Infections Without Antibiotics with Doug Simons
27 essential bonus videos
A physical copy of The Grow System Book – The Essential Guide to Modern Self-Sufficient Living – from Growing Food to Making Medicine
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn and use this life-saving knowledge to secure your family’s safety. Purchase your copy of the Home Medicine Skills Package on BrightU now.
Here are the Home Medicine Skills that you will learn from the presentations:
Day 1 Presentations:
Episode 1: Home Medicine for Beginners with Marjory Wildcraft
In this fun and engaging presentation, you’ll learn where to get the most potent herbs, why herbs sometimes don’t work, the difference between holistic and conventional medicine and how to build a successful home medicine garden.
Episode 2: Antibiotics Apocalypse with Mike Adams
In the second presentation, Mike Adams sits down with Marjory Wildcraft and discusses why antibiotics are quickly becoming useless. The information is more crucial than ever. They will go over topics such as the “Antibiotic Apocalypse;” the medical myths that are draining your pockets; why we need to bring back regional medicine; how dangerous antibiotics, hormones, and pesticides are in your meat and eggs; and how the conditions have been created for Mother Nature to respond with superweeds and superbugs.
Day 2 Presentations:
Episode 1: Home Death Care: How to Take Care of Your Dead with Dani Lavoire
Join Marjory Wildcraft and Dani Lavoire as they talk about how to care for the dead, your rights with home death care, how to safely handle the body and the laws and legal concerns. They will also discuss the natural burial movement and more.
Episode 2: 12 Steps to Sleep Like a Baby with Kate Hope
How do you have a restful and deep sleep? In the second presentation, Marjory Wildcraft and Kate Hope will tell you how. Watch as they discuss sleep hygiene, supplements to balance your circadian rhythm, various lifestyle hacks to sleep better, and which adaptogenic herbs can help improve your sleep.
Day 3 Presentation: 50 Shades of Blue Herbs for Anxiety and Depression with Debra Swanson
We are all going to need help with anxiety and depression sometime in the coming years. There are natural herbs available that you can use in the comfort of your own home. This presentation will talk about the 5 best homeopathic remedies and the top 7 herbs for anxiety and depression, which include motherwort, milk oats, skullcap, St. John’s wort and much more.
Day 4 Presentation: Wilderness First Aid For Broken Bones, Hatchet Wounds, and Severe Falls with Sam Coffman
This presentation assumes you are in an austere or post-disaster situation. Marjory Wildcraft and Sam Coffman talk about various first aid tips, including field assessment and response, what herbs to use in different situations, what useful equipment to have in your emergency kit and more.
Day 5 Presentation: Spice Rack Remedies – Your Kitchen Spices Are Medicines! with Kami McBride
Home Medicine Skills Day 5 features Kami McBride, an experienced herbalist and crowd-favorite presenter, who share knowledge about the amazing medicines that your spice rack contains. You will also learn the secret medicinal qualities that ancients knew and why seasoning recipes have been handed down for generations. Spoiler alert: it’s not just about the flavor.
Day 6 Presentation: 15 Herbs To Increase Your Energy, Stamina, and Longevity with Rosemary Gladstar
Our Day 6 Presentation features Rosemary Gladstar, who is a legend in the herbal world. Watch as she presents 15 herbs that have been used by elders across the world and across time, including ashwagandha, American ginseng, Siberian ginseng, and more. She also shares fantastic recipes and ways to get reluctant children (or husbands) to eat their herbs.
Day 7 Presentation: When There is No Doctor: Preventing The 7 Ways You Can Die From Shock with Jed Adamson
Join Marjory Wildcraft and Jed Adamson in today’s episode of Home Medicine Skills. They discuss what you can do when there is no doctor around and how to identify and treat seven types of shock. You will also learn about the essential tools you need to have in your emergency first aid kit, which could come in handy when faced with a life-and-death situation.
Day 8 Presentation: Home Veterinary Care with Dr. Patrick Jones
Believe it or not, our pets, livestock, and working animals sometimes need help. This episode of Home Medicine Skills features Doc Jones, a beloved veterinarian and social media star adored for his sense of humor and easygoing approach to healthcare. He will go over various techniques for helping your furry family members. Learn how to ease their pain, keep them comfortable, and help them maintain a long and healthy life.
Day 9 Presentation: Holistic Dental Care with Dr. Michelle Jorgensen
Join us for this episode as Marjory Wildcraft and Dr. Michelle Jorgensen discuss how to find a holistic dentist, whether teeth can be regrown, the risks associated with root canals, and various herbs and supplements that can help maintain strong teeth.
Day 10 Presentation: Treating Infections Without Antibiotics with Doug Simons
In this final episode of Home Medicine Skills, Marjory Wildcraft and Doug Simmons talk about treating infections without antibiotics. It features a video with information on how Marjory treated a copperhead snake bite. They will also go over life-saving tips on how to deal with infection, including how to make a poultice, the best herbs to use to fight off infection, and how herbs can be used internally and externally to heal.
In addition, you will receive an additional 27 bonus videos for your library:
ANTIVIRAL PROTOCOL: Shingles, Influenza, Herpes, Hepatitis A/B/C, and Treating Other Viruses Naturally by Donna Gates
DIY NATURAL BUG REPELLENT 300x Stronger Than Deet! by Julie James
BEYOND THE BROWNIE: How to Make Salves, Oils and Edibles with Cannabis by Stephanie Boucher
BRAIN BOOSTING Herbs for A Sharp Mind at Every Age with Maria Noel Groves
Herbs for HEALTHY LIVESTOCK with Amy Fewell
INTERNATIONAL TRAVELERS Herbal First Aid Kit by Bevin Clare
Topical PAIN RELIEF Herbs with Julie James
HOMEOPATHIC FIRST AID Kit with specific homeopathic remedies for common first-aid with Elena Upton
Erectile Dysfunction, Heart Disease, Cancer and More: MEN’S HEALTH with Scott Blossom
LYME DISEASE – Natural Treatments with Brendan Kelly
Holistic Therapeutics for The RESPIRATORY SYSTEM – Including ASTHMA ATTACKS! with Sajah Popham
Natural EYESIGHT Improvement in 3 Easy Steps with Greg Marsh
Herbs for CIRCULATION with Jennifer Galbraith
Beyond the Syrup: 5 Uses for ELDERBERRIES with John Moody
Herbal Skincare for Glowing NATURAL BEAUTY From the Inside Out with Mary Blue
Biomechanics So You Can Garden with A HAPPY BODY Past 100 Years Old with Mark Albrecht
EASY DETOX Protocol: 7 Steps to A Safe, Simple, Detox with Nicola Dehlinger
AUTOIMMUNE Disease Protocols at Home with Jonathan Otto
LEAKY GUT, Ulcers, and Indigestion: Herbal Formulas for Digestive Health with Sajah Popham
Making Healing HERBAL BITTERS with Rosalee Delaforet
LIVER Health: How to Have a Happy, Well-Functioning Liver with Sarah Murphy
How to Make INFUSED OILS For Better Health and Amazing Taste with Shana Lipner
Delicious Nutrient Extractions: How to Make HERBAL vinegar with Traci Donat
POWERFUL COMMON WEEDS Might Just Save Your Life! with Dr. Patrick Jones
Natural STRESS RELIEF with Nicola Dehlinger
Healing the NERVOUS SYSTEM with Sarah Klein
Staying JUICY After 40: Women’s Health and Vitality
But what if the grid goes down?
No worries, all of the resources in this bundle are downloadable so they can be safely stored in your hard drive.
Moreover, you get a physical copy of The Grow System Book. This book includes a three-part system for growing at least half of your food in your backyard. It includes diagrams for chicken coops and designs for rabbit houses. There are reference charts and breeding templates. The book also includes sections on home medicine and how to treat the 12 most common ailments of the average family.
You’ll also note that many of the bonuses are specifically meant to help you make fertilizer and feed your livestock once the farm stores close down. If the grocery stores close, the feed stores will also close. These extra bonuses are designed to be there for you so you can live well under deteriorating conditions.
A hardcopy of The Grow System: The Essential Guide to Modern Self-Sufficient Living from Growing Food to Making Medicine 288-page book will be shipped directly to your doorstep. The book has over 350 ***** ratings on Amazon. Here are some testimonials:
Teresa Kuhn – verified purchaser.
***** 5.0 out of 5 stars Gave me a plan and the inspiration I’ll succeed
It certainly does appear that world events are speeding up. Our systems appear to be breaking down. How much time do we have? Marjory had the foresight to know this was coming. She is not some dumb ‘hippy’ – she is a very powerful woman with previous successful careers in engineering and business. She dropped all that intentionally to find the best ways to teach people how to produce food and medicine very quickly during tough times. Her experience and care come through in her writing. Marjory’s book lays out a simple step-by-step program that showed me exactly what to do. And her stories inspired me that YES! I can do this.
April J McLean
***** 5.0 out of 5 stars Helpful, fun, & informative
Reviewed in the United States on September 23, 2023
Verified Purchase
I’m captivated by this book!
Robert Lyons
***** 5.0 out of 5 stars Opens a lot of doors to self-reliance
Reviewed in Canada on June 15, 2021
Verified Purchase
I don’t read a lot of books lately, but this one stays on the bedside table. Marjory Wildcraft draws on years of doing it herself – plus an amazingly large network of homesteaders, gardeners, and preppers. I’ve changed several things in the home and garden because Marjory has better ways to do it. Each section tells you why you might want to do it, and step by step how at a human level. As a radio host, I talk with a lot of experts on resilience, but Marjory remains my favorite. Out of a fog of B.S. and disinformation about how to live life, this book stands out as the one to get.
Do you know any of these influencers?
Because Marjory has been teaching people how to grow food for over two decades, she has worked with thousands of radio hosts, TV shows, bloggers, journalists, and podcasters. Many of these have become good friends. They are familiar with her work and recommend it. You may have seen her on their shows.
Here are just a few…
– Mike Adams, Brighteon
– David Dubyne, Adapt 2030
– Robert Scott Bell
– The Dangerous Info Podcast with Jessi Jymes and Outcast
– Dave Asprey Bulletproof Coffee
– Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Dad Poor Dad
– George Noori, Coast 2 Coast AM
– National Geographic “Doomsday Preppers”
– Lynette Zang, ITM Trading
– Mother Earth News
– Jeff Berwick, Anarchapulco
– John Bush, Live Free Academy
– John B. Wells, Caravan to Midnight
– Vincent Finelli, USA Prepares
– Ernest Hancock, Freedom’s Phoenix
– Seth Holehouse, Man in America
– Jonathan Otto, Health Secrets
– Charlie Robinson, Macro Aggressions Podcast
– Dave Krieger, Power Hour Nation
– Bix Weir, Road to Roota
– Sarah Westall, Business Game Changers
– Glenn Meder, Privacy Academy
– Chris Martenson, Peak Prosperity
– Jeff Anderson, Warrior Life Int’l
– Del Bigtree, the Highwire
– Jean Nolan, The Inspired Channel
– G. Edward Griffin – The Creature from Jekyll Island
– Jim Gale, Food Forest Abundance
And there are hundreds of thousands of people just like you whom Marjory has been able to help.
What is this knowledge worth?
Once hyperinflation kicks in and a cup of coffee costs $1,000, being able to make your own medicine may literally be worth millions of dollars.
Researching, testing, verifying, and collecting all this information is the culmination of decades of work. Every piece of information here has been carefully curated and verified to be the raw, real, truth. You will save years of research using this information that easily amounts to tens of thousands of dollars. The full value of the complete bundle (including bonuses) is worth hundreds of dollars.
Yup, you read that right. When you purchase the full bundle of the 12 main presentations, 27 bonus videos, and the book you’ll also get a seat to join Marjory Wildcraft herself on a live call. She will answer questions and help you get over whatever hurdle you have.
Are you ready to own a copy of these life-changing presentations and begin your journey to becoming a medicine man or medicine woman?
We are human. We are fighting for our freedom. The “overlords” have controlled us for millennia. In the coming chaos, this is our chance to become free. We are all in this together.
We are hopeful about the future but we need to end the Rockefeller control of medicine and have more people healing themselves! It is that simple. Please join us in learning these critical skills and become strong and free.