Interesting and educational content about a range of political, philosophical, economic and historical topics.
The Life Guide

Japanese Scientist visits Hiroshima #ww2

The Secret Report That Predicted Japans Defeat #ww2

How American Submarines Crippled Japan #ww2

Why did Japan refuse to Surrender for so long? #ww2

The Atomic Bombing of Nagasaki #ww2

How powerful was Japanese Emperor Hirohito? #ww2

Truman warns Japan more Atomic Bombs are to come #ww2

Nagasaki wasn't meant to be the target of the Atomic Bomb #ww2

Atomic Bomb Strikes Hiroshima #ww2

Japanese Response to The Potsdam Declaration #ww2

USA: "Should we use the Nukes?" #ww2

Oppenheimer Reacts to the Atomic Bombs #ww2

Why Hiroshima was chosen to be Nuked #history #ww2

The Worlds First Atomic Bomb #ww2 #history

Kamikaze: Japan's Suicide Pilots #ww2

The origin of Kamikaze #ww2

Japan prepares for USA Invasion #ww2

USA plan to Invade Japan #ww2

The Firebombing of Japan #ww2

USA burns Tokyo to the ground #ww2

Why the USA Firebombed Japan into oblivion #ww2

Tragic civilian deaths in WW2 #ww2

The insane fanaticism of Japanese soldiers in WW2 #ww2

The Ideology that drove Millions of Japanese to their deaths #ww2

How American Industry Won WW2 #ww2

The millions who died under Japanese occupation #ww2

Japan's Rapid Conquest of Asia #ww2

The Rape of Nanking & Japanese Atrocities #ww2

The Pacific War From America's Perspective #ww2

WW2: Japan's Dreams of Empire #ww2

Why Japan Surrendered in WW2 #ww2

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