Biographic profiles of the men and women who — for better or for worse — helped write the pages of human history.
Norman Rockwell: The Most Iconic American Artist?
JUSTINIAN THE GREAT: The Emperor Who Never Sleeps
The Ghost Army: The Combat Crooks of World War II
The Filthy Thirteen: The Real-Life ‘Dirty Dozen’ of World War II #sponsored
Madeleine Albright: A Refugee in the West Wing
The Sundance Kid: The Wild West's Most Famous Sidekick #sponsored
Abraham Zapruder: The Man Who Filmed JFK's Assassination
Jane Austen: An Incomplete Legend
Pope Alexander VI: The Infamous "Borgia Pope" #sponsored
Best of Biographics: American Presidents Part 1
Edward Low: History's Most Sadistic Pirate?
Luke Short: The Deadliest Dandy of the Wild West #sponsored
Thomas Jefferson: The Pragmatic Innovator
Hatfields and McCoys: The Most Notorious Feud in American History #sponsored
Operation Mincemeat: How the British Tricked the N*zis in World War II
Carlo Gambino: The Quiet Don Who Took Over the Mafia
The Piltdown Man - The Biggest Scientific Hoax in History
Levi Strauss: The Creator of Blue Jeans?
Artaxerxes II: The Beginning of the End for the Achaemenid Empire
The USS Indianapolis: An Incredible Story of Disaster and Survival on the High Seas
Was Franklin Pierce the Saddest President of the United States?
Cicero: The GREATEST Statesman of Ancient Rome? #sponsored
The Pony Express: The Fastest Mail Service in the Wild West
Athelstan: The First King of England
Vercingetorix: The King who United Gaul against the Romans.
Gaius Appulius Diocles: The Richest Athlete of All Time?
Project Gemini: Learning to Fly in Space
Harold Shipman: The Deadly Doctor
Leone Jacovacci: A Black Boxer in Fascist Italy
Jan Palach: The Ultimate Sacrifice Against Soviet Tyranny
Lysander: The SPARTAN who conquered ATHENS
Michael Jackson: The Troubled Life of the King of Pop
Carausius: The Roman Pirate Who Became an Emperor
Didius Julianus: The Man Who Bought the Roman Empire
Was SARS the original COVID?
Jack Gilbert Graham: The Denver Dynamite Fiend
Anne Frank: The Flame the Holocaust Could not Extinguish
Chester Arthur: The Most Forgettable President?
Davy Crocket: The King of the Wild Frontier
Pope Leo X: The Most Extravagant Pope in History
Norman Schwarzkopf: America’s Last War Hero
Edmond Halley: The Astronomer Who Discovered Halley's Comet
Jimmy Stewart: It's a Wonderful American Life
Important PSA about Ptolemy I Pronunciation #biography #kingshistory
Ptolemy I: The Founders of Egypt's Final Dynasty
Ronald Hunkeler: The Boy Who Inspired The Exorcist.
King William III: The Dutch Monarch of Great Britain