S3E6 Nathan Wispinski and Paulo Bruno Serafim - Artificial Intelligence and Foraging

S3E5 Anna Stöckl and Michael Harrap - Pollination: A Curious Case of Cross-Kingdom Cooperation

S3E4 Matthew Apps and Aaron Bornstein - Human foraging: Insights into decision-making

S3E3 Eleanor Caves and Vivienne Foroughirad - Challenges and Solutions in Aquatic Foraging

S3E2 Damien Farine & Sasha RX Dall - All for one? Consequences and challenges of group foraging

S3E1 Barbara Webb - Central place foraging: how insects anchor spatial information

S2E5 Lucia Jacobs & Hannah Payne - Foraging for the Future: Food caching in squirrels & birds

S2E4 David Barack & Thom Hills - Alternative applications of foraging theory

S2E3 Pauline Fleischmann - This is the Way: Sensory Guidance in Foraging

S2E2 Holger Goerlitz & Abel Corver - On the Hunt: Ingenious Foraging Strategies in Bats & Spiders

S2E1 Nathaniel Daw - The ubiquity of opportunity cost: Foraging and beyond

S1E6 Ben Hayden & Alexandra Rosati - Complex Decision-Making in Primate Foraging

S1E5 Venkatesh Murthy & Thierry Emonet - Follow your Nose: Olfactory-driven foraging in mice & flies

S1E4 Audrey Dussutour & Rong Gong - Food for Thought: How internal states shape foraging behavior

S1E3 Ahmed El Hady & Nils Kolling - A Unified Framework for Foraging Theory

S1E2 Susan Healy & Lars Chittka - Foraging at the Limit: Cognitive capabilities of birds and bees

S1E1 Alex Kacelnik - What is Foraging?
